We are very proud and a little excited to announce that the Mens shed materials for Wisemans Ferry Community Men’s Shed have arrived!
This project began just on four years ago when one of our members, Dorothy, wanted to continue the dream of her late husband to build a Men’s Shed in Wisemans Ferry. A committee was formed, land has been generously allotted by the Bowling Club and many a battle with authorities have been won. mens shed
Today we finally saw this dream unfolding with the delivery of the shed materials, ready for construction and moving in. Now for the next stage of erecting and fitting out our shed so we can start the exciting phase of building on our membership, supporting our community and encouraging better men’s health.
Meanwhile we are still operating from our temporary site, each Tuesday 9.30am – 3.30pm at 2811 River Road, Wisemans Ferry. You can contact us by phone 0448833781 (Adrian) 0410442275 (Robin Hitchcock) or email [email protected].
mens shed mens shed