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Hi all,

What a fantastic night the trivia was. wf school wf school

60 locals and friends packed the community centre for another Wisemans Ferry Public School ( WF school) Parents & Citizens “shindig” and, as always, there was fun and merriment with a little bit of trivia thrown in.

And… we raised Auction over $2,500!

I would like to say some big “thank you’s” to the people and organisations that made this happen. wf school

To Liz, Elizabeth, Beth and Betty. These quintuplets seem to be involved with anything and everything that supports our local community (Although it’s strange we never seem them in the same room together). Thanks Liz, your tireless organisation is world class and without it I doubt this night would have got off the ground.

To MC and Quizmaster Pete Smart (Smart is an appropriate name for a quizmaster isn’t it?). As like last trivia night, Pete came with some great Australian and local questions (I’m glad he got the tide question right this time). Thanks Pete

And to Jenny Smart (the better half of the Smart duo) for ensuring we had a great feast and taking care of all the little bits needing doing on the night.

To our generous sponsors of items for the auction. I have a list below and please accept my sincerest apologies if I missed someone:

Parents, teachers and staff of WF Public School

Barbara Black

Bice Family


Cath Bell

Fallon Family

Green on the Grub

Greg Thorn

Jenny & Peter Smart

Kristie Walker

Mens Shed

NSW Ski Park


Sako Family

Samantha Wilson


Sheer Indulgence

Stapleton Family

Troy Ireland

WF Grocer

WF Hair

WF Hotel Inn

I would also like to thanks our great Diamond Sponsors – Wisemans Central, Kevin and Margie Pratt and Bendigo Bank Galston. They have come on as major supporters of our school for 2016/2017 providing a huge amount of support to the P&C which allows us to provide funds for the music teacher and will allow us (amongst many other things) get proper sports shirts for our school kids going forward. I would encourage everyone to support our local community by supporting these community minded organisations.

Finally, it is the generous support of all of you that allows us to mix fun and fundraising for a great cause so on behalf of the P&C I thank all of you.

All the best,

Chris Hall – President of the P&C

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