All ferries are operated by Birdon Ferries. To check if they are running, either check the live camera below, or call 1300 247 366

St. Mary Magdalene’s Anglican

St. Mary Magdalene’s Anglican

St Mary Magdalene’s Anglican Church is located on River Road, WIsemans Ferry Church Service & sunday School Every Sunday at 9.00am Morning tea afterwards – all welcome.. more information call Greg Peiley 0245 72 3262 HISTORY: n 1841, St Mary Magdelene Anglican church was built by Solomon Wisemans in the village. It later fell into […]

St Phillips St. Albans

St Phillips

Anglican Church of St Alban the Martyr and St Phillips Services at St Albans are held on the first Sunday of every month at 10am. Addditional services are held for the Folk Festival (closest Sunday to Anzac Day, 9.30am), St Albans Day (closest Sunday to June 22nd, 10am) and the Rural Fire Service (start of […]

Wisemans Ferry Grocer Cafe

Grocer Cafe

Wisemans Ferry Grocer Cafe are a local family run business, in the main street of town, which prides itself on offering top quality coffee, homemade food & fresh produce. Grocer Cafe provide a warm and relaxing environment for locals and tourists alike. Visit us for a new “Value for Money” shopping experience. • Homemade pies, sausages […]

Community Defib Project

Community Defib Project

Local resident of Wisemans Ferry, Sophie, has been studying to become a Paramedic since 2017. Since then it has become all too obvious that we are too far from medical attention, especially when faced with a cardiac arrest. As a result Sophie has collaborated with Western Sydney University academics, The Defib Shop and Wisemans Ferry […]