All ferries are operated by Birdon Ferries. To check if they are running, either check the live camera below, or call 1300 247 366

On Tuesday 9th April,2019, members of the Shed boarded our mini bus for an adventure up the hill. Our first stop was a visit to the Hawkesbury Mens Shed in Richmond. We enjoyed their hospitality also seeing their equipment and lots of the projects they have made.

Members gathered at the old clubhouse in Richmond while hosting Wisemans Ferry Mens Shed members on 9th April, 2019

We happily accepted their invitation to drive out to the Australian Pioneer Village at Ebenezer to see where they are going to build their new Shed and to see the the mini train they are restoring ready to take visitors on rides. The advancement of the progress of the Richmond Shed shows the acceptance of a need for Sheds in our Communities.

Members of Wisemans Ferry Mens Shed with members of Richmond Men Shed at the Australian Pioneer Village at Ebenezer at the site of the new home of Richmond Mens Shed.The train is being restored by their members.

After Richmond we drove to South Windsor to enjoy a filling $8.50 Chinese lunch before delivering more footstools to Peppercorn Services in Windsor. To learn more about our local history we then visited the Hawkesbury Regional Museum where a very knowledgeable and helpful curator shared some interesting information before guiding us through the many exhibits. These ranged from the early explorers to the earliest settlers, early fashions, tools to local marine history to artifacts from the RAAF and early styles of furniture and other household goods.Before leaving Windsor we all agreed to satisfy our sweet tooth and indulge in an ice cream from the local ice creamery. One of our team said that he had not had an ice cream for over twenty years and he ordered a vanilla flavour.

On the bus on the way home he was asked “Did you enjoy your ice cream?” He quickly answered, ” Yes, it was very cold.” You can imagine the smiles this brought.The news is spreading that we exist to help our Community. It is pleasing to see people approaching us to carry out both small and larger jobs from fixing broken furniture to supporting local businesses in building larger projects.

Some examples of this include a local identity who has contracted us to build dog training aids for “sniffer dogs”. Evidently certain kinds of  dogs can be trained to sniff out targeted pests and contraband .One particular dog is so valuable that he has a price tag of $50,000 because he can ” sniff out” bed bugs in five star accommodation venues. Trained dogs are now being used with pest control companies to locate white ant nests. Other individually trained dogs can locate hidden money, lost persons, banned foods, drugs and even specific noxious weeds on farms.We also support neighbouring communities in need of support. We are currently drawing up plans for a new “meeting table” in the Dunkirk Hotel at Spencer, which is in dire need of an upgrade. Part of the old table with its carved names from members past will be retained for posterity. This project is being managed by the Spencer Community Progress Group Inc.We also hope to be able to bring to you some exciting news about a major project on the drawing board in Wisemans Ferry. If this project proceeds it can only benefit the retail businesses in the local area.It would be good to think that our eagerness in obtaining a walking/ exercise track for the area has brought about an interest by Hornsby Shire in improving the infrastructure for our community. All in all, an exciting time coming up.Come on down and see for yourself the progress of our Shed.

It is open Tuesday and Saturday from 9.00 am. Both women and men are welcome. It is alcohol free, non-threatening and mind stimulating. Call in for a chat and a cuppa and see for yourself. We have members from St.Albans, Spencer,Gunderman, Maroota, Glenorie and areas in between..We are also still seeking tools and materials for donation to assist in our not-for-profit aims. For further advice call Adrian Acheson , President, on 0448833781 or Alan Hunt on 0428784425 or e-mail [email protected]

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