All ferries are operated by Birdon Ferries. To check if they are running, either check the live camera below, or call 1300 247 366

Fundraising Event

Wisemans Ferry bowling club is proud to support the  Leukaemia Foundation with a fundraising event on Friday 17th March from 4.00 pm.   Shave For A Cure  Raffles  Chocolate Wheel We will also be raising funds to support a young member of our local community is currently fighting this battle.Enquiries:Vicki Brownless 0423 727 826 


Wisemans Ferry Road

WISEMANS FERRY ROAD CLOSURE UPDATE & NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR SACKVILLE FERRYAs emergency repair works continue on Wisemans Ferry Road (WFR) between Halcrows Road and O’Briens Road, Cattai, WFR is expected to REOPEN by FRIDAY, 12th AUGUST 2022, weather permitting. I know that travel times have been frustratingly longer than anticipated and that congestion at the […]

Anzac Day


ANZAC DAY CEREMONY, MONDAY 25TH APRIL DAWN SERVICE: Supporters are asked to gather at the Cenotaph at 5.15am for a 5.30am start. Following the service, supporters are invited to partake in a light “Gunfire Breakfast” at the Bowling Club. 11AM MARCH AND CEREMONY March form up venue: Front of the Wisemans Ferry Police Station. Supporters […]

The Ferry at Wisemans Ferry and Webbs Creek

wisemans ferry

Live Traffic Wisemans Ferry Wisemans Ferry South Wisemans Ferry South – Wisemans Ferry Road at Wisemans Ferry looking east towards the Central Coast. The main larger ferry is capable of carrying 24 cars each trip and has a 120 tonne load limit. This ferry is operated by Birdon Sydney Vehicular Ferries Wisemans Ferry North Wisemans Ferry North […]

Maroota Football Club “Soccer”

Maroota Football Club “Soccer” - Wisemans Ferry Forgotte

Too often we have to travel at least an hour for our children to participate Football in a “Team Sport” so this opportunity would be fantastic if it came to fruition. Maroota football club Read this little article in the Living Heritage March edition… Expressions of interest…  There is a new soccer federation, Sydney Hills Football, […]


Business Directory Mens shed

We are well and truly into the new year and after a well-earned break our members are back ready to tackle another exciting year. Mens shed Hopefully we will be in our very own shed before the end of the year.  Our members are already busy sawing, sanding and turning timbers into items ready for […]

Dharug & Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society Inc.

Historical Society

Dharug & Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society The Dharug & Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society Inc was formed back in 1983 and are located on Wisemans Ferry Road, Gunderman, between Wisemans Ferry and Spencer. The premises include a State heritage listed, historic, stone chapel completed in 1855 where meetings and functions of the Society take place. Historical […]

St. Albans Writers Festival

Writers Festival

St. Albans Writers’ Festival AUSTRALIA’S INTIMATE Writers Festival 2016 EVENT starts 16th September ….St Albans Writers Festival is a Australian literary festival celebrating writers, books and writing of all styles, genres and forms, based in the small and picturesque village of St Albans.   The landscape of the Hawkesbury with its diverse population of farmers, […]

The “Diggers” from the valley…

Writers Festival

Many of you would be aware that Wayne Moore has been the driving force behind the Wisemans Ferry Anzac happenings in our Valley… from a website, facebook page, news, updates and most importantly the new Memorial for the commemorative 100 years celebrated last Anzac Day, 2015. It’s nearly Anzac Day and I thought it would […]

Historical Talk – The Myall Creek Massacre Trial

Historical Talk

DHARUG AND LOWER HAWKESBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY – UPCOMING EVENT  An historical talk Next month the DLHHS will be hosting the author, Mark Tedeschi AM QC, who will talk on his research into the trial of the men brought to justice for the 1838 massacre of 28 Aboriginal men, women and children at Myall Creek. Apart […]