As emergency repair works continue on Wisemans Ferry Road (WFR) between Halcrows Road and O’Briens Road, Cattai, WFR is expected to REOPEN by FRIDAY, 12th AUGUST 2022, weather permitting.
I know that travel times have been frustratingly longer than anticipated and that congestion at the Sackville Ferry is impacting travel to work and school for local residents, as well as farming and business travel movements.
With those traffic delays in mind, from TUESDAY, 26th JULY 2022 temporary restrictions will be enforced that will NOT ALLOW HEAVY VEHICLES ACCESS to the SACKVILLE FERRY from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., MONDAY to FRIDAY.
Given there has been short notice tonight, Transport for NSW will implement the changes to the PM peak tomorrow, Tuesday.
Emergency Services vehicles will be exempt from this restriction.
Heavy vehicles will be required to detour via Old Northern Road.
Temporary restrictions will be lifted when Wisemans Ferry Road reopens.
Please keep to speed limits, follow the signs and the traffic controllers’ directions.
Plan ahead for additional travel time or why not consider postponing non-essential travel.
Sackville Ferry and Wiseman Ferry Road detours are as follows:-
• For northbound traffic, light vehicles only can use Halcrows Road and Cattai Ridge Road. All vehicles can use Old Northern Road.
• For southbound traffic, all vehicles can use Wisemans Ferry Road and Old Northern Road.
You can call 132 701 for traffic updates or check www.livetraffic.com for up to date detours